Tagged UoU

3 min read

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NecroTank's avatar
Tagged by Three-Days-Grace0017 :D

1) You must post these rules.
3) Answer the 10 questions asked by the person who tagged you and make up 10 questions for the 10 you tag.
4) Choose 10 people and put their icons in your journal.
5) Not something like, "You are tagged if you read that".
6) You have to legitimately tag 10 people.
7) No tag-backs.

1. are you a introvert like me
Totaly! >-<

2. are you depressed like me
Some times :C

3. are you cold right now like me
Yeah! Stupid heater -.-

4. are you fucking your boyfriend or girlfriend right now unlike me
Yalñk E ñlkjf ffo oh my.. ñaksjdñl Yaeh     ljñkfad        ijroljikg  jmua jma

what the.... okno... im not.... ._.

5. are you so fucking tired that you can't stay awake anymore like me
Yeah... and more after phisical education :T

6. do you like dicks.
What... No! >.< :T ._.

7. do you like lamps.
I love them....

8. are you always on the internet for doing some shit outside
Yup! all the time ^-^

9. do you know anyone who is a bisexual.
Yeah 1 one guy that used to be my friend ~^-^~

10. bananas.
Yumi O^O

1. Do u have pets?
2. Do u like waterparks?
3. Do u like water... pranks? O^O
4. What is the.. knowledge
5. Are u shure u are u?
6. Do you belive on parallel universes?
7. how many letters do the word Hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia have?
8. Why so serius?
9. Idk.. why?
10. What was your first impretion when u watched i tagged u?

:iconikillerjuliis: Asi es... pienso mantener tus deseos de mutilarme frescos :'D
:iconsugarpandaotaku: ^-^
:iconlarubiaxd: Tambien pienso mantener tus deseos de mutilacion frescos ^-^
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SugarPandaOtaku's avatar
Wat....so I'm tagged again?Chiyo wow Icon I'm Dead  *eye twiches* bruh I think you alredy have multiple people that want to kill you....*whispers:* "me one of them"Kou and Futaba Icon [Icon] Shinka Nibutani  Yuzuki Laugh Icon Icon - 200 Haruka (Yandere Mode) ahem....fine I'll do it....later...someday...nevah!Icon - 200 Haruka (Yandere Mode)  Huehuehue! The questions u were asked though...4 and 6Barakamon 5 ....just why?Kujou (Hng)  Oh gOD mandom